TransAct® LE/TransAct®/TransAct® Plus

From installation and setup, to everyday transactions, data management has never been easier. TransAct® was designed to make new scale management installations or upgrades virtually effortless. Even operators with little or no computer experience are immediately comfortable with its intuitive, graphically-enhanced user interface. But don't let its simplicity fool you—TransAct serves as a powerful central database, seamlessly integrating your entire operation with transaction information. From the scale, to the office, to the customer, all relevant data is quickly and accurately generated for each step in your enterprise.
TransAct LE/TransAct/TransAct Plus
Intuitive menu-driven programs
Ticket editing, voiding, reprinting with the Quickscan utility
Report to screen, printer or export
Password protection
Easy-to-use graphic interface
Full mouse and keyboard support
Fault-tolerant data recovery to protect from system crashes
Barcode, magstripe and RFID interface
Full database backup
Truck overweight warning
Predetermined keyboard and automatic tare entry
Interfaces to ticket, tape, dot-matrix and laser printers
Unlimited configurable ticket formats
TransAct/TransAct Plus
Generate unlimited tax codes from the list of tax authorities; up to five tax authorities can be selected for each tax code (examples: federal + state = 5.5%, federal + state = 5.7%))
Detailed tax reports by each tax authority
Retained the Rev. 5 combined invoices/statement option (balance forward list ticket)
Transaction importing/exporting for long distance transfers in non-networking applications
Three configurable tares
Four configurable categories
Configurable product rates
Multiple scale operation
Multiple transactions per ticket
Job table for contract purchases
TransAct Plus
Accounts payable and receivable
Aging report showing current and extended balance 30, 60 and 90 days
Expandable reporting features
Credit weight limits
Prints customer invoices and statements with detailed transaction information
Full reporting by account, revenue, tonnage, material and transaction
Invoice processing is separate from statement processing
Two invoice options available (open item, balance forward)
Invoice and statement printing options (print summary report, print detailed report)
Reprint invoices, statements, summary reports or details reports by isolating ranges of invoice numbers or dates
Note: Effective January 1, 2021 TransAct Version 5 will no longer be supported
System Requirements:
Windows 10® or operating system currently supported by Microsoft
Intel® AMD® Processor, 1 GHz or greater
1 GB of RAM or greater
1 GB available storage space (data dependent)
Virtually unlimited with user-definable categories
Full database backup including configuration files
Support for two printers with selectable drivers for most popular printers
Transaction Ticket:
Configurable weigh-in and weigh-out ticket formats, complete selection of variables and data types
Full reporting capabilities by account, job, material, hauler, ticket, truck, container, trailer or date
Age reports 30, 60, 90 days
Export Data:
Reports can be saved in various formats such as XLS, PDF, Word or HTML
Export/Import function for transferring transaction data in non-networking applications
Transaction Calculations:
Definable product rates, charges, taxes and customer discounts
Configurable percentage weight reductions for moisture and dockage
Accounting (TransAct Plus Version):
Full accounting capabilities
Accounts payable
Accounts receivable
Software Support:
Rice Lake Weighing Systems offers field software support for TransAct LE/TransAct/TransAct Plus
Contact our service department for software support
Software support is a chargeable service
NTEP CC 97-034