SURVIVOR® PT-M Truck Scale

The SURVIVOR PT-M is a mechanical pipe-lever design of our pit-type PT model. The mechanical lever system is precision-built from heavy-duty structural steel to provide higher strength and less stress breaks than competitive components. These mechanical scales are designed with a load cell inserted into its lever system. These levertronic designs are better suited for areas susceptible to heavy moisture. The in-ground installation is ideal for locations with limited space or access. It may also be installed above ground for special site applications.
A Solid Investment
The PT-M is a cost effective investment for a long term, permanent installation, providing the highest accuracy with the lowest maintenance costs. Available in both steel and concrete decks and constructed with the same massive I-beams that support our PT and SR designs, the PT-M is a solid investment for many pit-type applications.
Unsurpassed Reliability and Life Expectancy
For overall scale performance, the lever system on every SURVIVOR mechanical scale is unsurpassed in reliability and life expectancy, giving owners an advantage to the total cost of ownership. Each fabricated steel lever is constructed of heavy-duty structural pipe to reduce the risk of shock loading damage. The precision-machined load and fulcrum pivots and bearings are hardened to withstand wear and provide exact load points for accurate weighing over the full operating range of the scale.
Scale Options
Load cell stand, steel deck option, additional manhole frames and covers, conversion s-beam load cell(s), load cell mounting hardware, indicator, printer or other peripheral equipment.
Steel weighbridge; lever system; pit angle coping; deck rebar; deck channel; bumper plates; foundation bolts; assembly bolts; manhole frame(s) and cover(s); inboard transverse lever (for electronic conversion) is furnished unless outboard lever is specified at time of order; standard paint system is a high-performance epoxy base coat.
Not Included
Foundation rebar; corrugated sheeting; home run cable; concrete; indicator; printer; freight charges including material handling, shipping charges, transportation permits and fees, escort(s) charge, and insurance transportation fees.
In-pit foundation
Ideal for limited access locations
Structural steel pipe lever system
NTEP Certified 05-018
Standard levers - 32.5 ton sectional rating
Capacities to 400,000 lb
Standard widths from 10 ft to 14 ft
Standard profile 44.5 in
Scale Options
Load cell stand, steel deck option, pit angle coping, deck rebar, deck channel, bumper plates, foundation bolts, manhole frames and covers, conversions-beam load cell(s), load cell mounting hardware, indicator, printer or other peripheral equipment
Full Scale Capacity:
Standard 60,000 lb to 200,000 lb;
Custom up to 400,000 lb
Concentrated Load Capacity (CLC):
Standard 50,000 lb to 70,000 lb;
Custom up to 100,000 lb
NTEP Certified per H-44, Class IIIL,
05-018 Measurement Canada AM-5598
One-year warranty on pivots, bearings, suspension and mounting parts of the corner assemblies;
Two-year weightbridge