OnTrak™ Truck Scale Data Management

OnTrak truck scale data management software can print tickets or reports as well as store information to a central database.
Supports systems using Windows® 7 and up
SQL Server® Express client/server database
Comprehensive report filters
User and administrator filters
Backup and restore via included SQL Server Management Studio Express
Unlimited charge/discount per product
Ship or Receive mode for each transaction
Exclusive database for: customer, hauler, truck, product, job, price/discount, tax, transaction
Ethernet TCP/IP or RS-232 connectivity
Supports VIRTUi/VIRTUi2® or Rice Lake weight indicators
.CSV transaction file export
Supports one or two scales
Optional Features
Image capture with Ethernet camera TCP/IP (requires SQL server upgrade through Microsoft)
Interface to non-Rice Lake weight indicators
Custom reports
Database configuration
Field installation and training
Factory phone support
System Requirements:
Windows® 7 and newer (x86 or x64 systems)
4 GB max database size when using included MS
SQL Server Express, unlimited with standard
version of MS SQL Server
Back up and restore via included SQL Server
Management Studio Express
Support for multiple printers
Supports all Rice Lake indicator interfaces
Supports VIRTUi/VIRTUi2 interface
Optional Drivers available for non-Rice Lake weight
Transaction Ticket:
User defined ticket formatting
Comprehensive report filters
Optional custom reports
Export Data:
File transfer via XML transaction; exported reports can be saved as PDF/XLS; configurable transaction data export in .csv file format
Transaction Calculations:
Unlimited product prices and discounts
Tax calculations (does not integrate directly to financial software)
Software Support:
Database configuration, field installation and training available
Phone support packages available
Contact Rice Lake for further options
NTEP CC 05-107