7600E Scale Indicator

Power & Flexibility
The 7600E Series Indicator adapts to the most demanding applications with a wide range of outputs, options, and features. No need for expensive programming or expensive set-up. The 7600E is easy to use and install.
SS Enclosure w/U-Bracket mount for wall or shelf
Pre-programmed Batch and Truck Scale options for easy set-up
Direct Keyboard entry of Setpoint values and Tare Weights
Truck IN/OUT with storage for up to 300 Tare Weights by numeric I.D.
Smart Serial™ programmable Serial Data strings
Tweak mode with 10 point Linearization for easy set-up and calibration
(2) Independent Full Duplex Serial data outputs for external communication
NTEP and Canada approved to 10,000 divisions
Platform Scales and CheckWeighers – Ideal replacement indicator!
Truck Scales
Batching Systems: platform, tank and hopper
OEM package integrates with control systems
Load cell A/D Converter24 bit delta sigma; 16 mv Signal Input
Sensitivity: 0.1 uV/ Graduation
Update: 30 updates per second
Excitation: 5 VDC, 120 mA max
Up to (8) 350 ohm load cells or (10) @ 1000 ohms
Red high intensity LED display 0.6” high, (6) digits w/ annunciators
Power: 117/217 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 20 watts, fuse 0.25A slow blow
Optional AC/DC operation, integrated UPS, 12/24 VDC power
Data Ports, Independently Configured
Port 1: RS232C or 20 ma Current Loop
Port 2: RS485, RS232C or 20 mA Current Loop
Option – Ethernet communication
Option – Analog output select4 – 20 mA
0 – 10 VDC
Enclosure: NEMA 4X w/U-Bracket
10 w x 6.5 h x 4 d” (w/o bracket)
10 w x 7.5 h x 4 d” (w/U-bracket)
Optional OEM package (contact factory)
Optional Setpoint Relay Board with Convenient I/O Terminals
Menu driven Digital Setpoints (4) for convenient batching
Checkweigh mode controls relays Under/Accept/Over
(4) AC/DC inputs + (4) AC/DC Outputs (Solid state Relays: 120 Volts, 0.5 amp or 24 VDC O.S.A.)
Convenient Screw Terminals for all I/O connections
Specify AC or DC solid state relay control
Panel mount configuration
Wide range of Standard and Custom software options (Contact Factory)
OEM Package for control panel or door mounting integration
The parts and components of these Pennsylvania Scale Company products are warranted for TWO YEARS from the date of retail delivery against defects in materials and workmanship, subject to the terms and conditions of our standard Warranty.