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Doran scales

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<p class="font_8">The Doran baggage scale is designed to reliably perform in the extreme environments of airports, train stations, or bus stations, where scales are constantly subjected to overloading, shock, and electrostatic discharge.</p>

Doran Baggage Scale - Low-Profile Base Design

The Doran baggage scale is designed to reliably perform in the extreme environments of airports, train stations, or bus stations, where scales are constantly subjected to overloading, shock, and electrostatic discharge.

<p class="font_8">The Doran baggage scale is designed to reliably perform in the extreme environments of airports, train stations, or bus stations, where scales are constantly subjected to overloading, shock, and electrostatic discharge.</p>

Doran Baggage Scale - Standard Base Design

The Doran baggage scale is designed to reliably perform in the extreme environments of airports, train stations, or bus stations, where scales are constantly subjected to overloading, shock, and electrostatic discharge.

<p class="font_8">The 1200 MSP is adurable&nbsp;general-purpose bench scale&nbsp;that delivers excellent day-to-day performance and long-term value at a great price point.</p>
<p class="font_8">Designed for commercial and industrial applications,&nbsp;a smart choice for a range of weighment tasks in a manufacturing environment: Inventory Control, Shipping/Receiving, Portable Weigh Stations, Manual Batching, Manifest System, and Quality Control.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">Doran incorporated design features developed for our most advanced weighing systems, like a responsive indicator and a rugged scale base to providing years of trouble-free weighing.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">In operation, the innovative features support operators in achieving weighing accuracy, consistency, and speed.</p>

1200 MSP Series Bench Scale

The 1200 MSP is adurable general-purpose bench scale that delivers excellent day-to-day performance and long-term value at a great price point.

Designed for commercial and industrial applications, a smart choice for a range of weighment tasks in a manufacturing environment: Inventory Control, Shipping/Receiving, Portable Weigh Stations, Manual Batching, Manifest System, and Quality Control.

Doran incorporated design features developed for our most advanced weighing systems, like a responsive indicator and a rugged scale base to providing years of trouble-free weighing.

In operation, the innovative features support operators in achieving weighing accuracy, consistency, and speed.

<p class="font_8">The 2200 SS Series Bench Scale is a complete high-performance weighing system that combines a 2200 SS advanced weighing indicator with a rugged Doran scale base. The system features stainless steel construction and washdown protection —&nbsp;with components that are Built in the USA.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">A large selection of base sizes and capacities, battery power option, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">Simply enter the desired value with the full keypad, press one of the clearly labeled function keys, and the data is entered. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals.</p>

2200 SS Bench Scale

The 2200 SS Series Bench Scale is a complete high-performance weighing system that combines a 2200 SS advanced weighing indicator with a rugged Doran scale base. The system features stainless steel construction and washdown protection — with components that are Built in the USA.

A large selection of base sizes and capacities, battery power option, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.

Simply enter the desired value with the full keypad, press one of the clearly labeled function keys, and the data is entered. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals.

<p class="font_8">The 2200 SS Series Bench Scale is a complete high-performance weighing system that combines a 2200 SS advanced weighing indicator with a rugged Doran scale base and 20" column. The system features stainless steel construction and washdown protection —&nbsp;with components that are Built in the USA.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">A large selection of base sizes and capacities, battery power option, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">Simply enter the desired value with the full keypad, press one of the clearly labeled function keys, and the data is entered. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals.</p>

2200 SS Bench Scale with 20" Column

The 2200 SS Series Bench Scale is a complete high-performance weighing system that combines a 2200 SS advanced weighing indicator with a rugged Doran scale base and 20" column. The system features stainless steel construction and washdown protection — with components that are Built in the USA.

A large selection of base sizes and capacities, battery power option, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.

Simply enter the desired value with the full keypad, press one of the clearly labeled function keys, and the data is entered. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals.

<p class="font_8">The 2200CW Series Bench Scale is an advanced high-performance checkweigher that combines a 2200CW advanced weighing indicator with a rugged Doran scale base and shown with optional column. The system features stainless steel construction and washdown protection —&nbsp;with components that are Built in the USA.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">A large selection of base sizes and capacities, battery power option, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">Three and five band checkweighing guides the operator to accurately hit product targets quickly. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals</p>

2200CW SS Checkweigher

The 2200CW Series Bench Scale is an advanced high-performance checkweigher that combines a 2200CW advanced weighing indicator with a rugged Doran scale base and shown with optional column. The system features stainless steel construction and washdown protection — with components that are Built in the USA.

A large selection of base sizes and capacities, battery power option, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.

Three and five band checkweighing guides the operator to accurately hit product targets quickly. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals

<p class="font_8">The 2200CW Series Bench Scale is an advanced high-performance checkweigher that combines a 2200CW advanced weighing indicator with a rugged Doran scale base and 20” column. The system features stainless steel construction and washdown protection —&nbsp;with components that are Built in the USA.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">A large selection of base sizes and capacities, battery power option, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">Three and five band checkweighing guides the operator to accurately hit product targets quickly. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals</p>

2200CW SS Checkweigher with 20" Column

The 2200CW Series Bench Scale is an advanced high-performance checkweigher that combines a 2200CW advanced weighing indicator with a rugged Doran scale base and 20” column. The system features stainless steel construction and washdown protection — with components that are Built in the USA.

A large selection of base sizes and capacities, battery power option, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.

Three and five band checkweighing guides the operator to accurately hit product targets quickly. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals

<p class="font_8">Easy Checkweigh Programming</p>

4300 SS Checkweigher

Easy Checkweigh Programming

<p class="font_8">Easy Checkweigh Programming - Many Bases Sizes and Column Heights</p>

4300 SS Checkweigher with 20" Column

Easy Checkweigh Programming - Many Bases Sizes and Column Heights

<p class="font_8">A clear choice for a reliable, durable bench scale that’s ideal for food production and industrial applications. This IP68 Certified stainless-steel scale is completely sealed — with no openings for connectors — so it’s dust tight, washdown safe, and can withstand wet environments.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">The long-life lithium battery provides 100 hours on a full charge — using the automatic shutoff timer— and wireless charging eliminates the need for connectors that can get damaged.&nbsp;A wireless charging pad is included.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">There are three models available&nbsp;—&nbsp;in 6-, 12- and 30-pound capacities&nbsp;— with Legal for Trade models available upon request.&nbsp;And each model is compact and lightweight, making the 550 easy to transport.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">The large, five-button panel with LCD display improves operator performance with visual and audio notifications.</p>

550 Bench Scale

A clear choice for a reliable, durable bench scale that’s ideal for food production and industrial applications. This IP68 Certified stainless-steel scale is completely sealed — with no openings for connectors — so it’s dust tight, washdown safe, and can withstand wet environments.

The long-life lithium battery provides 100 hours on a full charge — using the automatic shutoff timer— and wireless charging eliminates the need for connectors that can get damaged. A wireless charging pad is included.

There are three models available — in 6-, 12- and 30-pound capacities — with Legal for Trade models available upon request. And each model is compact and lightweight, making the 550 easy to transport.

The large, five-button panel with LCD display improves operator performance with visual and audio notifications.

<p class="font_8"><strong>Rugged, Reliable, and Ready to Take on a Wide Variety of Weighing Applications</strong></p>

7000XL SS Bench Scale

Rugged, Reliable, and Ready to Take on a Wide Variety of Weighing Applications

<p class="font_8"><strong>Rugged, Reliable, and Ready to Take on a Wide Variety of Weighing Applications</strong></p>

7000XL SS Scale with 20" Column

Rugged, Reliable, and Ready to Take on a Wide Variety of Weighing Applications

<p class="font_8">Maximum wash down protection and durability</p>

7400 SS Checkweigher

Maximum wash down protection and durability

<p class="font_8">Maximum wash down protection and durability</p>

7400 SS Checkweigher with 20" Column

Maximum wash down protection and durability

<p class="font_8"><strong>The last scale base you'll need to buy</strong></p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">From the 1000% overload protection of the DXL series to the heavy duty tubular welded construction of the DSS and DMS series, nothing lasts as long as a Doran Scale base.</p>

DMS Series MS Scale Bases

The last scale base you'll need to buy

From the 1000% overload protection of the DXL series to the heavy duty tubular welded construction of the DSS and DMS series, nothing lasts as long as a Doran Scale base.

<p class="font_8"><strong>The last scale base you'll need to buy</strong></p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">From the 1000% overload protection of the DXL series to the heavy duty tubular welded construction of the DSS and DMS series, nothing lasts as long as a Doran Scale base.</p>

DSS Series SS Scale Bases

The last scale base you'll need to buy

From the 1000% overload protection of the DXL series to the heavy duty tubular welded construction of the DSS and DMS series, nothing lasts as long as a Doran Scale base.

<p class="font_8"><strong>The last scale base you'll need to buy</strong></p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">From the 1000% overload protection of the DXL series to the heavy duty tubular welded construction of the DSS and DMS series, nothing lasts as long as a Doran Scale base.</p>

DXL Series SS Scale Bases

The last scale base you'll need to buy

From the 1000% overload protection of the DXL series to the heavy duty tubular welded construction of the DSS and DMS series, nothing lasts as long as a Doran Scale base.

<p class="font_8">Achieve total control of your formulas with the FC6300</p>

FC6300 Formula Control Scale

Achieve total control of your formulas with the FC6300

<p class="font_8"><strong>Convenient, Rugged, Reliable</strong></p>
<p class="font_8">Choose either stainless steel or painted steel, the result is the same - a rugged, portable floor scale that is easily moved to where you need it.</p>

MVP MS Portable Floor Scale

Convenient, Rugged, Reliable

Choose either stainless steel or painted steel, the result is the same - a rugged, portable floor scale that is easily moved to where you need it.

<p class="font_8"><strong>Maximum Value Product</strong><br>
The MVP Series couples the <a href="">DS100 Digital Weight Indicator</a> with the <a href="">DMS Painted Steel Bases</a>, resulting in an economical scale system for most any weighing application. Select from three base sizes (18" x 18", 18" x 24", or 24" x 24"), capacities up to 1000 lbs, and a full line of options. If economy, reliability, and ease of use are important, you’ll be glad to have a Doran MVP Scale on your team!</p>

MVP Series - MS General Purpose Scale

Maximum Value Product
The MVP Series couples the DS100 Digital Weight Indicator with the DMS Painted Steel Bases, resulting in an economical scale system for most any weighing application. Select from three base sizes (18" x 18", 18" x 24", or 24" x 24"), capacities up to 1000 lbs, and a full line of options. If economy, reliability, and ease of use are important, you’ll be glad to have a Doran MVP Scale on your team!

<p class="font_8">Stainless Steel - Rechargeable Battery</p>

PC-400 Portion Control Scale

Stainless Steel - Rechargeable Battery

<p class="font_8">Washdown Safe - 1,000 Hr. Battery Life</p>

PC-500 Portion Control Scale

Washdown Safe - 1,000 Hr. Battery Life

<p class="font_8"><strong>Convenient, Rugged, Reliable</strong></p>
<p class="font_8">Choose either stainless steel or painted steel, the result is the same - a rugged, portable floor scale that is easily moved to where you need it.</p>

PFS SS Portable Floor Scale

Convenient, Rugged, Reliable

Choose either stainless steel or painted steel, the result is the same - a rugged, portable floor scale that is easily moved to where you need it.

<p class="font_8">The 2200 SS Series Indicator is a complete high-performance weighing indicator and process controller. The indicator features stainless steel construction and washdown protection —&nbsp;with components that are Built in the USA.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">A large selection of power options, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">Simply enter the desired value with the full keypad, press one of the clearly labeled function keys, and the data is entered. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals.</p>

2200 SS Advanced Weight Indicator

The 2200 SS Series Indicator is a complete high-performance weighing indicator and process controller. The indicator features stainless steel construction and washdown protection — with components that are Built in the USA.

A large selection of power options, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.

Simply enter the desired value with the full keypad, press one of the clearly labeled function keys, and the data is entered. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals.

<p class="font_8">The 2200CW Series Indicator is an advanced high-performance checkweigh indicator. The indicator features stainless steel construction and washdown protection —&nbsp;with components that are Built in the USA.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">A large selection of power options, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">Three and five band checkweighing guides the operator to accurately hit product targets quickly. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals</p>

2200CW SS Checkweigh Indicator

The 2200CW Series Indicator is an advanced high-performance checkweigh indicator. The indicator features stainless steel construction and washdown protection — with components that are Built in the USA.

A large selection of power options, scanners, and communications and networking equipment, and other accessories make this versatile indicator a smart choice for a range of weighing applications.

Three and five band checkweighing guides the operator to accurately hit product targets quickly. Manufacturers can realize ingredient savings, improve quality control, achieve greater accountability, and support traceability goals

<p class="font_8">Easy to Configure</p>

4300 SS Checkweigh Indicator

Easy to Configure

<p class="font_8">Simple Controls, Versatile</p>

7000XL SS Washdown Indicator

Simple Controls, Versatile

<p class="font_8">Maximum Durability and Washdown Protection</p>

7400 SS Indicator with Checkweighing

Maximum Durability and Washdown Protection

<p class="font_8"><strong>8100IS Series Intrinsically Safe weighing indicator</strong></p>
<p class="font_8">The 8100IS Series is a basic five-button indicator designed for use in hazardous locations — ideal for manufacturing processes where equipment is exposed to flammable gases; flammable or combustible liquid-produced vapors; combustible dusts or ignitable fibers; or flyings.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">The&nbsp;8100IS&nbsp;is extremely versatile for a range of environments and weighing demands, from on-site testing where portable battery-powered equipment is needed to large manufacturing facilities with permanent AC installation.&nbsp;Specific applications and environments include&nbsp;fuel refineries, machinery maintenance, chemical plants, chemical storage, distilleries, and textile manufacturing.</p>

8100IS Basic Indicator

8100IS Series Intrinsically Safe weighing indicator

The 8100IS Series is a basic five-button indicator designed for use in hazardous locations — ideal for manufacturing processes where equipment is exposed to flammable gases; flammable or combustible liquid-produced vapors; combustible dusts or ignitable fibers; or flyings.

The 8100IS is extremely versatile for a range of environments and weighing demands, from on-site testing where portable battery-powered equipment is needed to large manufacturing facilities with permanent AC installation. Specific applications and environments include fuel refineries, machinery maintenance, chemical plants, chemical storage, distilleries, and textile manufacturing.

<p class="font_8"><strong>8200IS Series Intrinsically Safe weighing indicator</strong></p>
<p class="font_8">The 8200IS Series is an advanced indicator with checkweigh features designed for use in hazardous locations — ideal for manufacturing processes where equipment is exposed to flammable gases; flammable or combustible liquid-produced vapors; combustible dusts or ignitable fibers; or flyings.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">The&nbsp;8200IS&nbsp;is extremely versatile for a range of environments and weighing demands, from on-site testing where portable battery-powered equipment is needed to large manufacturing facilities with permanent AC installation.&nbsp;Specific applications and environments include&nbsp;fuel refineries, machinery maintenance, chemical plants, chemical storage, distilleries, and textile manufacturing.</p>

8200IS Advanced Indicator

8200IS Series Intrinsically Safe weighing indicator

The 8200IS Series is an advanced indicator with checkweigh features designed for use in hazardous locations — ideal for manufacturing processes where equipment is exposed to flammable gases; flammable or combustible liquid-produced vapors; combustible dusts or ignitable fibers; or flyings.

The 8200IS is extremely versatile for a range of environments and weighing demands, from on-site testing where portable battery-powered equipment is needed to large manufacturing facilities with permanent AC installation. Specific applications and environments include fuel refineries, machinery maintenance, chemical plants, chemical storage, distilleries, and textile manufacturing.

<p class="font_8">Control your automated bulk ingredient processes</p>

BC6500 Bulk Ingredient Controller

Control your automated bulk ingredient processes

<p class="font_8">Economically Priced - Compact Design</p>

DS100 MS Digital Weight Indicator

Economically Priced - Compact Design

<p class="font_8">The Doran PRT0350 scale printer offers outstanding performance, reliability, and flexibility to meet the demands of today's fast-paced barcode label printing applications.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">Ideal for all non-washdown weighing applications such as packaging, production, warehousing, shipping, and receiving printing needs.</p>
<p class="font_8"><br></p>
<p class="font_8">Direct thermal print technology provides high quality barcode labels time after time. Preloaded Doran label formats provide true plug-and-play setup for most labeling applications—custom label designs are also available.</p>

Doran Barcode Label Printer

The Doran PRT0350 scale printer offers outstanding performance, reliability, and flexibility to meet the demands of today's fast-paced barcode label printing applications.

Ideal for all non-washdown weighing applications such as packaging, production, warehousing, shipping, and receiving printing needs.

Direct thermal print technology provides high quality barcode labels time after time. Preloaded Doran label formats provide true plug-and-play setup for most labeling applications—custom label designs are also available.

Doran Paper Tape Printer

© 2023 by Lakeshore Scale Inc ~ 131 Coolidge Ave Ste 4 ~ Holland, MI 49423. All rights reserved.

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